Base Stabilization - MG30

Benefits of Base Stabilization

  • Hardens the road surface and reduces rutting from heavy traffic
  • Binds the particles in the road’s surface to create a higher compaction level (as compared to an untreated surface)
  • Contains the added of benefit of a clay component called magnesium hydroxide that is very effective in silty or sandy aggregates
  • Reduces the need for regular blading
  • Decreases number of potholes, washboard, and soft sports in a road surface
  • Product does not harm surfacing of asphalt or pavement
  • Lessens frost heaving caused by the freeze-thaw cycle and reduces spring and fall maintenance costs

Environmental Impact

  • Calcium chloride is non-toxic and does not require placarding during transport, as confirmed by tests performed by the Department of Highways in Ontario. These same tests determined that calcium chloride is the least aggressive agent among dust palliatives. A Swedish study has found that calcium chloride can reduce frost lenses (which cause troublesome frost heaves) by up to 60%.

Quantity needed

  • How to Calculate Quantity Required ?
How to Calculate Quantity Required ?

There are additional application costs to consider with base stabilization apart from the cost of calcium chloride. For example, the cost of trucking and application can be included in your purchase of calcium chloride, however, we recommend having a water truck pre-wet the aggregate at a rate of 0.7 – 1.0 litres/m2 before we apply the calcium.

Step 1: Find the surface area of your roadway in m2 (length x width)

Length of Roadway (m) Width of Roadway (m)
5m 7m 10m
100m (0.1km) 500m2 700m2 1,000m2
200m (0.2km) 1,000m2 1,400m2 2,000m2
500m (0.5km) 2,500m2 3,500m2 5,000m2
1,000m (1.0km) 5,000m2 7,000m2 10,000m2

Step 2: Calculate the amount of product needed (area x application rate)

Application Rate

(litres per m2)

Depth of Treatment


Area of Road Surface


  500m2 2,500m2 10,000m2
3.0 litres/m2 3.0in (7.6cm) 1,500 litres 7,500 litres 30,000 litres
6.0 litres/m2 6.0in (15.2cm) 3,000 litres 15,000 litres 60,000 litres
12.0 litres/m2 12.0in (30.5cm) 5,000 litres 30,000 litres 120,000 litres


  • How long will it take to complete the base stabilization?
How long will it take to complete the base stabilization?

Base stabilization applications take varying amounts of time dependant on several factors:

  • Amount of roadway to complete
  • Application depth (3.0 inches—12.0 inches in depth)
  • Environmental conditions; especially extended periods of rain or sunshine.

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